Powers' Jedi Knight Page

Hey. Im gonna post some strategies/overviews/comments here on this page concerning Jedi Knight. Look for me in a JK room on the Zone.

My Style

I play as a Light jedi, using a the Mandalore skin. I tried Dark before, and it is kind of fun, but I found that Light suits my style better. I tend to avoid face to face confrontations, not because I'm a coward, but because there are better ways. I like to use Persuasion and Sequencer Charges a lot. I like to run around and collect as many items as I can before I try and tackle an opponent. I also tend to use every trick the level has against my opponents, ie. I hold nothing back.

My Configuration

I use basically the standard JK setup, because it works for me quite well. For your left hand : Left Ctrl = Primary Fire; Z = Secondary Fire; X = Jump; C = Crouch; A/S/D/F/G/V = Hot Keys for Bacta, Force Powers, Items, etc. For your right hand : the arrow keys up, down, left, right (movement and turning). If you're set on using the mouse, I would recommend this (I used it for Shogo and it worked quite nicely) : keep your left had the same and use the mouse with your right hand, with one button as move forward and one button as move back and mouse movement for free looking wherever.


Persuasion is the best force power in the game, in my humble opinion. Being invisible gives you a tremendous advantage, because most of the offensive force powers require that you be able to see your opponent. It is easily countered by Force Seeing, but it's still useful. It allows you to gain an early lead if your opponent has never played with or against Persuasion or isn't catching on to what that strange humming sound he hears right before he dies is. If someone has either Force Protection or Deadly Sight enabled, it means that they dont have access to neutral powers, meaning they can't use Force Seeing and SHOULDN'T SEE YOU THE ENTIRE GAME! If they are using both Force Seeing and FP or DS, they are cheating.

Sequencer Charges (Mines)

I use mines a lot. I dunno, I just like them. For one thing, its a really easy way to make a kill. It also makes opponents hesitate, if they know you have a tendency to put mines everywhere. Plus, it also gets them irritated, often causing them to do dumb things. I like to mine the following locations repeatedly during a game: the path that circles Canyon Oasis (I just pick up mines at the top and make the full circut); the water shaft in Canyon Oasis leading to the Concussion Rifle (do it on the way down or you're stupid); the walkway in Bespin where the center shaft drops onto (lay 2 mines quickly and leave); in the crawlspace in Nar Shadda (its dark and they're hard to see). In addition, put mines around corners or anywhere you notice your opponent going a lot.