News Straight From Powers' Mouth

Well well well..... Glad to see you decided to grace my page with your presence. ITS ABOUT FRIGGIN' TIME. Anyhow, I guess I'll try to keep a quasi-current news page, although I'm sure it will fail miserably. Anyhow, here goes.

Thursday, December 2, 2004 : 1347 hours

So its been a hella long time since I did any kind of update, but I did write code to put some pictures I already had scanned on the site, as well as make public some pages I didn't previously have linked. In a nutshell, since the last update, I'm taking a break from Tech, bought a red 2004 Mustang, live the fall of 2003 once again in Harper Hall, then moved off campus to Oak Manor for the spring of 04, and then moved into 302 Wilson with Gavin, Nate and Kenny as of the end of this summer. Im working as a CSR II/Buddy helping train new hires at Echostar/Dish Network, a job I've had since 11/1/03. Im going to try and get some more pictures scanned and posted to the site as soon as i get some free time here, maybe this weekend. Thats all for now, more late.

Wednesday, April 9, 2003 : 0121 hours
So I just finished a big upage, 25 pictures this time. There are new images in soph year, junior year, and of PID. Not too much is going on, I'm still trying to find a job or internship for this summer, working on some online apps, emailing resumes, and Thursday I'm going to the spring career fair in Squires. Hopefully I'll turn up something that will work out so I can have a decent summer. I've been playing intramural lax which has been pretty tight, and I look forward to heckling some chumps at the club teams 4 games this upcoming weekend. Anyhow, thats all for now, catch you all later.

Friday, March 14, 2003 : 1400 hours
So last night at 0330 some jerkoff decided it would be funny to play with a fire extinguisher in one of the stairwells. Well it set off all the smoke alarms so our nuclear reactor style warning system came on with the strobe lights and annoying voice telling us to evacuate the building. So I walk outside in shorts and sandals and let me tell you it was a tid bit nipply. We finally get back in the building at like 4, annoying as hell. I hope they catch the SOB that did this, cuz I'll personally slap the shit out of him, regardless of whatever RDP and VTPD decide to do to his sorry ass. Anyhow, I threw up 2 new pics from HS that I found over break and there should still maybe be a few more coming. Thats all for now, more later.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 : 1612 hours
Well, I did some more editing to the site, put up some new opening lyrics, fixed some mistakes, added some more games to the list, and some other stuff. I had 2 history tests today, in both of Dr Woodys classes, Modern Military History and World War 2. Believe me when I tell you that I spent more time walking to class that I did sitting down actually taking the tests. The Modern Military test was 20 questions; I was out of there in like 5-10 minutes. The WW2 test was 40 questions; done in under 15, and both I went back and doublechecked, cuz I have a bad habit of sometimes of knowing the right answer and accidentally circling the wrong one by accident. Anyhow, I've got my Seapower class tomorrow and then I am DONE and ready to get home for break. I'm spending break at home in NoVA, substitute teaching and hanging out with kids there, so it'll be ok, I'll earn some bread and see people I don't get to see that often. LEAVE ME SOME COMMENTS ON MY SITE! My guestbook doesn't have nearly enough entries.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 : 0100 hours
Ok, so i FINALLY got around to putting up some new pics and updating a bunch of the HORRIBLY out of date sections of my website. There are new pics from the end of sophmore year, all the pics from junior year, and you can consult my profile to find links to some other goodies. Sorry it took so long to get around to all this, but enjoy everyone!

Monday, January 21, 2002 : 0940 hours
Yeah so I have to go to class in a bit so this is gonna be short. I'd just like to mention I had a kickass dream last night where i was cruising around on a badass racing motorcycle, picked up this really hot blond chick. On a side note, my roommate and I paid a guy across the hall 2 beers to drink 1.5 to 2 cups of leftover sweet and sour sauce from this Chinese place. (He did it).

Friday, January 18, 2002 : 2305 hours
Ok so like I'm about to do a crapload of changes to the site. Its been since midway thru October since I did one of these and that is FAR too long. Anyhow, Thanksgivng break was cool, Winter break was ok. We went to NYC and yeah the Empire State Building was cool, and the Rockettes are a bunch of hotties, but honestly....dirtiest city EVER! Anyhow, I'm back for spring semester and it looks like its gonna be pretty chill. I'm taking the semester off from lacrosse to focus on academics and stuff so I'm searching for something new to do over Spring Break. If you have an idea, let me know please. Anyhow, thats more or less all the news so I'm gonna finish the update now. Oh yeah, Black Hawk Down was the most hardcore movie I've ever seen.

Tuesday October 9, 2001 : 1339 hours
Wow, how many days has it been since the first news post, so much for keeping you foolish visitors up to date witht he mundane details of my life. Anyhow, I'd like to take this opportunity to recognize the tremendous contribution FOX has made to television viewing this season. Love Cruise, That 70s Show, Undeclared, Dark Angel, and Pasadena are all fabulous parts of their nightly line up, and I am obviously holding my breath for Temptation Island 2 (SCORE!!!) which will apparently air in November. If FOX could pull X-Files out of the freak gutter and back in to mainstream, I honestly would ........... well lets keep this G rated, some of you suckers may be under the age of 18. Also, I'd like to make note of the ever popular Man Show, as well as newcomer Lets Bowl, over there on "the Comedy Central". Well, my accounting HW is calling (no really, it is) so, in the immortal words of Porky Pig, "Thats all folks".

Monday September 24, 2001 : 2307 hours
Yeah so this is the first news and nothing really momentus is going on in my life right now. I'm playing club lacrosse for Tech again this fall and spring so that is obviously the most fun part of school right now. We've got tournaments in Lynchburg and VMI the same weekend in October (20 and 21) so if you're in the area be sure to come out and watch us kick ass. Also we're having a huge 2 day tournament down at Tech the first weekend in November (4 and 5), so that will kick ass as well. I'm working thru my first round of tests currently. Chemistry and European Military History are out of the way, leaving Sociology tomorrow and Accounting on Thursday. Best of all, I haven't missed a class yet this semester. Astounding isn't it?