
Hey just going to post some pice here from the two years i was at the foxfields horse race at UVA. I'd have to say its probably one of the better examples of public drunkenness I've ever witnessed, although it did seem a lot tamer the 2nd year I went, but maybe thats because I had my brother to worry about that time. Foxfields 2003 was all about ice luging and being crazy. Foxfields 2004 was about making sure Mark didn't get picked up by cops and trying to get him to talk to girls. Anyhow, here are some pics from it.

Jason, Sean and I started off the day with breakfast at burger king to have a base fo the days drinking

Heres the ticket

One arm shot of me, Jason and Robby

Here are some pictures of the kickass ice luge we had that day

Jason and some other kids that were in our plot

General crowd shots and one of the few times we actually saw horses