All right all you foosball fanatics, its the webpage you've all been waiting for. I don't know what I'm gonna put here, but for now I'll start with funny things heard at the foosball table.
Shit......they're too good. We're outmatched and outclassed.
Hit the trigger, jigger!!
You guys are pretty good.........for beginners
All right, lets put these fags away.
Dude, the choad is crucial..........
The choad has but one weakness............choad alley.
The defensive choad is too powerful
Hit the ball, Sean.......Get the burger....
Hey Batman, its 3:50, you're gonna miss your bus......
NOTE : During the course of foosball action, players get broken, and from time to time, guys have been taped together on one pole. These behemoths will go down in history as..............THE CHOAD!